
5 Ways You Can Use Self Isolation to Make More Money $$$

5 Ways You Can Use Self Isolation to Make More Money $$$ There's no doubt that being stuck at home is a drag. Not only are we isolated from our friends and family, while the Coronavirus spreads around the world, but, we also have long days to fill!

Of course, there are many ways that you could choose to spend your time - doing crafts, meditating, watching Netflix or talking with people on Skype. But, today, I want to talk about something a little more profitable... how to use your time to start a business that will support you financially when the current situation fades.

If you are been thinking about ways to make a little extra money, but, haven't had the time to get started, today's video will be perfect for you!

How are you keeping above water, financially speaking, during the current crisis? Do you think that this downtime presents an opportunity to try new things? Let's have a chat!

Here is a link to the article that I mentioned today:


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starting a business,stuck at home,bored at home,margaret manning,jobs for seniors,retirement,sixty and me,

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