Dr Noor Hisham, Ministry of Health Malaysia stated that 3 medication were used to reduce inflammation cause of the Covid-19. As we knew COVID-19 cause inflammation on respiratory areas. Ministry of Health Malaysia found there are alternatives way to reduce inflammation caused by Covid-19. World Health Organization under working to find out vaccine for covid-19 which is Malaysia involved with other countries for the research. In the time, Dr Noor Hisham said chloroquine has Anti-Inflammation that could help reduce the inflammation in the respiratory system.
Source : Ministry of Health Malaysia Source : Berita Harian #chloroquine #hydroxychloroquine #Lopinavir #ritonavir #penawarcovid19 #ubatcovid19 #KKM #Worlhealthorganization #stayhome #stayathome #lockdown #quarantine #covid-19 #covid19medication #Coronavirus #ncov #Noblecoronavirus #covidmedication #pandemic #covidepidemic #covidpandemic #epidemic #worldepidemic #worldpandemic #covidupdate #WHO #Wuhanchina #China #inflammation #covid19inflammation
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