Why didn't he use one of his professional quality bags? Because many of his students don't have one!!
This bag works more like a double-ended bag than a heavy bag, which forces you to work your head movement and footwork (BONUS)!! Grab your cheap materials and get to crafting!
This should take you 1-2 hours, so everyone should have time for it!!
Materials Needed:
1. Old Dog Bed / Pillow Case / Cloth Laundry Bag
2. Old Clothes / Towels / Sheets / etc.
3. Duct Tape
4. Durable Pad (puzzle mat, yoga mat, etc)
5. Rope
6. Belt
7. Floor Weight (weight plate, 50lb dog food, etc)
Have fun! If you make one, let us see it in the comments!
Disclaimer: Construct and/or use your DIY punching bag at your own risk! We're not liable for anything related to you making or using your DIY punching bag!