
Have You Ever Seen These Small Melons? | Wild Small Melon Cooking | Cooking By Sreypov.

Have You Ever Seen These Small Melons? | Wild Small Melon Cooking | Cooking By Sreypov. Hi friends. Today I'm going to show about the new wild fruit. It's the wild small melons. It's grow by itself in the community farm. Let's go with me to pick it together.

Oi amigos. Hoje eu vou mostrar sobre as novas frutas silvestres. São os pequenos melões selvagens. Ela cresce sozinha na fazenda da comunidade. Vamos comigo para buscá-lo juntos.

Hola amigos. Hoy voy a mostrar sobre la nueva fruta silvestre. Son los pequeños melones salvajes. Crece por sí solo en la granja comunitaria. Vamos conmigo a recogerlo juntos.

small melon recipe,pick small melon cooking,wild small melons cooking,recipe,homemade cooking,cooking,cooking skill,cooking by sreypov,

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