π️What is your decision mean?
παាααំαេα α ិα្ααំαាα់α្αុំ αឺαាαាααាំαα ិα្αα្αα់, α្αាα្αាα ិα្αα្αα់ αិα αាαα្αα់αំαិαα៏αឹααាំ។ αាα ាα់αូα αាαα្ααា αែαិαេααៅαិα! αាαៀααាα់α្αៃαើααាααាααំαេα α ិα្ααាα់αាα, α្αα់αែαα៉ាααឺα េααីαាααំαេα α ិα្ααាំαα’α់។
π Make decision for me is meaning: Strong Focus, Strong Commitment & Strong Mind. Seem like sample but special. Everyday we're make hundreds decision and everything come from the decision we make.
πΊ️α្αោះαំαុααេααែαα’្αααាααំαេα α ិα្ααៅαើα’្αីαួααួα α ើα αឹααាααាαះαេαះ, αាα្ααំαីαាαោαα់, αួααាααាααៃα α្α’ុααα π€α្αα់αាααាំαα’α់αោះ αឺα្αាα់αែα α់αααα្α ាα់αា αើαាααំαេα α ិα្αααα់α’្ααα ្αាα់α¬αេ? αើα’្αααឹααៅαែα្αើααើααាααំαេα α ិα្αααα់α’្αα α¬ α៏α្αើααើααααាααំαេα α ិα្αααα់α’្ααααៃ?
π Because during your decision already made, it's gonna have situations, some comments, pointing fingers...π€ But all those things just only to confirm is your decision is right? And are you still keep this decision or follow other decisions?
π️π―αៅαេααែαα’្αααα្α័αα ំαោះαាααំαេα α ិα្αααα់α’្αα αឹαα្αើα’ោαα’្αααាαα័αα្αោα , αាααេααេαា, αូα ិα្α.....
π When you have doubt on your decision, it's will make you fear, waste of time and hurting...
π αំαាα់αាαα ែααំαែαααα់α្αុំα្αាα់αែαាααាααាំαα្αα់, αឿαើα្αួαα―α, αាααាααិααិα្ααាαα្αα់αេα, α្αូααាααំαឿααើα’្αីαែαα’្αααឿ α្αោះα’ោααែα’្αααាαα្αα់αំαិαα៌αឹααាំ αោះα’្αααឹαα’ាα αα្αើαα្αាααាαα្αីαោαα្αួαα’្ααα្αាα់។
π As I am sharing, Just strong focus, believe in yourself, always think positive, must believe in what you believe is true because If you have strong mindset, you will create new situations by yourself.
π αេααាαែααើαα្αោαα’ាα្ααα៌αៅαើα’្αីαួαα្αាំα αោះαើααឹαាααាααោαα័αα្αα់αៅαើα ំαុα αααែα។
π When you stay strong focus on something, So you will have success on that point too.