
Please pray for Boris Johnson!

Please pray for Boris Johnson! This is not a video I want make, but one I feel I must make in these very difficult times.

As you will all by now know, our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been taken into intensive care having succumbed to this wretched disease circulating our planet.

Whatever your political bent, Boris is our Prime Minister and in this time of national crisis we need to support him and stand behind him.

The last thing we need right now is political turmoil at the top.

Cometh the crisis cometh the man and Boris has not flinched from the task that we have given him.

But more, Boris is a man, a flawed human being just like all of us are.

He has a family and is also a father to be.

He loves and is loved.

Think on that.

So I ask each and every one of you to pray for Boris.

I ask that you put aside petty political allegiances and come together in prayer for Boris because, God knows, we need him right now.

It takes a politician ... no a person .... of exceptional character to keep this country together in such a desperate time as this.

So, I will pray a short and simple prayer from the Christian perspective - so please join in and I do respect you if you choose not to - or chose to pray in your own way for him.

Heavenly Father almighty God we ask that Boris Johnson be restored to full health and kept away from any further harm, we also pray for those close to him to be comforted at this time as we come together as a nation in prayer for our Prime Minister. Lord Jesus send your angels to keep watch over him and Holy Spirit guide the hands and minds of those that care for him....we ask this in Jesus’s name.





Jeff Taylor,Geoff Taylor,Jeff Taylor latest,Jeff Taylor Politics,boris john son,boris john son ill,pray for boris,i stand with boris,uk prime minister,number ten,uk politics,

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