
- PROVIRON (Mesterolone) - Binaural Steroids Effect (Increased Sexual Drive, Improved Wellbeing)

- PROVIRON (Mesterolone) - Binaural Steroids Effect (Increased Sexual Drive, Improved Wellbeing) - PROVIRON (Mesterolone) - is an extraordinary binaural frequency (based on binaural beats and subliminal messages) specially developed for males, that would like to reveal their masculine characteristics. Mesterolone is a drug, that is commonly used during hormone replacement therapy in males, that suffer from androgen deficiency. It will notably increase sexual drive, deepen voice, counteract estrogen and prolactin activity, significantly improve wellbeing, mood and self-confidence, reduce SHGB, and help to properly distribute fat. (read more about proviron:

For best results it should be listened 2-3 times per day. It may be freely used along with other binaural frequencies.


Scientists as well as I, have done a lot of researches and experiments using binaural beats, isochronic tones and subliminal messages. I have mostly focused on physical performance improvement and have done a lot of experiments on my friends (also with the use of EEG) and on my esteemed test group on Patreon. Researches were generally focused on workout results, blood tests (mainly hormones like: testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH) and mind states (I think that I will create an official scientific publication about it in future). Improvements in physical and psychical performance as well as influence on mind states are really evident. Blood tests results are also very impressive e.g. (13.03.18 - before binaural cycle): Testosterone: 4,823 ng/ml (2,800 - 8,000), Estradiol 25,910 pg/ml (11,300 - 43,200) / (12.04.18 - after): Testosterone: 6,570 ng/ml (2,800 - 8,000), Estradiol 34,644 pg/ml (11,300 - 43,200). These are one of exemplary results after almost 1 month cycle on my - Testosterone Enanthate -.I have already a bunch of blood tests results from many other tests, that are also focused on influence of binaural frequencies on LH / FSH level. I will publish all of them in my scientific work, that I have mentioned before.There come explanations... There are many official researches, that you may find on scientific websites, that attests the remarkable influence of binaural beats on human organism, e.g. it is proved that binaural beats can stimulate pituitary gland (dr Hanns Uwe Pfaff in 2014 has created a big publication about influence on HPA. He mostly focused on cortisol regulation). This scientist and many others have also proved (you may find a lot more even on i.a. NCBI website), that even control (placebo) group may have significant effects after the regular use of placebo - so like improperly composed binaural beats. The results are approx. 3/4 worse, than effects of non-placebo group, nonetheless they are still noticeable (it is worth noting that also placebo may be powerful)). Binaural beats have also influence on glial cells, so it is possible to produce hormones (also steroid hormones) in a few ways, by using them regularly. Also there is a strong correlation between binaural beats and mind states (there actually exists a hauntingly number of published studies about this topic). Our mind states may have also a decisive influence on sport results/achievments (sport psychology branch). If you are a person that trains regulary, then it is certainly obvious for you, how mind states will play an essential role in sport. Binaural beats may also positively affect proprioception.

To reasume - there are evidences that binaural beats will help to gain muscle mass and improve physical / psychial performance in a really complex way. I have also earned a lot of feedbacks in private messages, as well as in comments sections, that my productions brings many adventages.


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I do NEVER encourage anyone to use real anabolic-androgenic steroids.
I do not take any responsibility for a potential side effects that may occur by using any of my binaural beats!

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