
Soundarya Lahari 67 - Royal Government favour - Loved by all - Success of plans - Rejuvenation

Soundarya Lahari 67 - Royal Government favour  - Loved by all - Success of plans - Rejuvenation Soundarya Lahari 67 - Royal Government favour - Loved by all - Success of plans - Rejuvenation

Karaagrena Sprushtam Thuhinagirinaa Vathsalathayaa
Gireeshonodastham Muhuradharapaanaakulathyaa
Karagraahyam Shambhormukhakuravruntham Girisuthey
Kathamkaaram Broomasthava Chubukamaupamyarahitham

Literal Meaning:"O Daughter of the Mountain! How can we poets describe the unmatched beauty of Thy chin, which is touched with all affection by Thy father the Mounatain King, and which is again and again lifted up by Thy Consort Shambhu in the intensity of His desire to kiss Thee repeatedly, and which forms the handle, as it were, of the mirror of Thy face, for Shambhu to hold and view."

Mode of worship:Yantra to be made on gold plate. Sit facing East (with spouse as per some texts).Chant this sloka 1000 times daily for 45 days.

Archana:Chant Lalitha Sahasranamam offering red flowers.

Offerings:Sweet rice gruel with milk, honey and betel leaves with areca nut slices.

Benefits of Soundarya Lahari 67
Royal and governmental favours, power to visualise Devi, suuccess of plans.

Literal Results:Loved by all, rejuvenation.

Soundarya Lahari has 100 slokas. Soundarya Lahari was written by Adi Shankara on the Goddess Parvathi or Uma. Soundarya Lahari is very powerful sloka. Soundarya Lahari has solutions to problems. It must be initiated by Guru for doing the Yantra and process. Take your priest help for doing these. Dharma should be the base for your desires.

Soundarya Lahari meaning waves of beauty consists of two parts viz. Ananda Lahari meaning waves of happiness (first 41 stanzas) and Soundarya Lahari (the next 59 stanzas).These 100 stanzas are supposed to be the foremost among Mantra literature. It is also believed that by making suitable Yantras and reciting particular stanzas and worshipping the yantras almost anything can be obtained in the world .There are more than 36 commentaries to Soundarya Lahari written in Sanskrit itself. Of them the most famous is that written by Lakshmi Dhara alias Lalla. His commentary is used to understand the meaning of the different verses. Though there are large number of translations and commentaries of Soundarya Lahari available this is perhaps the first time an attempt is made by a mere novice to translate them in to English verse.

Lord Shiva is the father of the Universe and Goddess Parvathi is the mother of the Universe. The slokas are written on Shiva and Shakti.


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