The Fancy pigeon is a breed of pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding primarily as a utility breed.Fancy pigeon along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columba livia). The breed is known for large size and suitability for squab production. #Fancy_Pigeon
The breed also has a variety bred for exhibition purposes at pigeon shows. It is called the Indian Fancy to distinguish it from the purely utility variety. The Show Fancy pigeon is dual purpose and can be used for squab raising.
The fancy is a dual purpose breed that originated in the United States.[3] They were developed during the 1890s by crossing four older varieties. The Duchess for grace; The Homer for alertness; The Belzium for compactness and style: the American Fancy for body and size, #Top_Most #Top_Most_Beautiful #Top_Fancy_Pigeon #pigeon #Varieties_pigeon #fancy_pet
Top Most Fancy Pigeon Breeds | Different Varieties of #Fancy_Pigeon_In_The_World | Fancy Pet