
Trump Exploiting Coronavirus, Amazon Greed & the Next Stimulus Bill | The Common Good w Robert Reich

Trump Exploiting Coronavirus, Amazon Greed & the Next Stimulus Bill | The Common Good w Robert Reich In this episode of The Common Good, Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich discusses how Trump is leveraging the coronavirus crisis to favor his friends, boast about himself, and boost his re-election chances; how Amazon represents the worst of our harsh hyper-capitalist system; and the provisions that must be included in the next stimulus (survival) bill.

Please call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and urge your members of Congress to ensure the next relief package provides $2,000 a month to every American for the duration of this crisis, and fully covers coronavirus testing and treatment with no out-of-pocket costs. They're working on a new bill as we speak, so call now.

Lives are on the line. Let's make sure we get this right.

Inequality Media Civic Action with Robert Reich is a digital media organization aimed at debunking right-wing lies, educating the public about inequality and imbalance of power, and breaking down solutions to the economic and structural issues plaguing our country. We provide a platform for you to learn, share your ideas, and, hopefully, mobilize your communities to make change for the common good.

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