
Wasteland 3 (Beta) - CharGen Overview, Part 1

Wasteland 3 (Beta) - CharGen Overview, Part 1 Sadly, Wasteland 3 has been pushed back to August, so I guess we've got some time to kill. That said, today I thought we'd take our first in-depth look at the (beta) character generation system for Wasteland 3!

Now, fair warning, this gets a little exhaustive. There's a ton of stuff to go over, so we're splitting it into two chunks. Today we're taking a look at the 7 Attributes, 16 Backgrounds, and 17 Quirks - and next time we'll wrap things up with the 22 Skills and 80 assorted Skill Perks!

I did back the crowdfunding campaign on Fig, but I'm not otherwise affiliated with InXile or Wasteland 3 in any way. I just love turn-based tactical role-playing games, especially ones set in bleak, post-apocalyptic landscapes.

To find out more about Wasteland 3, visit the official websites:

And you can contact me here:

If you'd like to help support the channel, you can do so here:

Special thanks to all my Patrons who have been generous enough to help support the channel!

Raider Lords: Revenant!

Raider Captain: Anerdinwarpaint, Mike Spark, and Valinrook!

Veteran Raiders: AdriRaven, Alois, ash, Ben Hollingshead, Drakiith, Eric Teichmiller, Exsellsior, James Trimmier, Jas Orcblood, Laura and Mike, Leroy Nukenson, Loolaloo, Matthew Holmquist, Mildly Nuclear, NOD Goblin Nico, Sir Skelibate, The Cursed Typewriter, Woah77

Honorary Raiders: a normal Joe, austin fagan, Benjamin Grey, Brad Quinn, Cecil Kane, crxcrvs, Eugene Fotin, I C U UwU, Kim S. Jensen, Mark Richards, Matt Leitzen, Maximilian Monke, Mazi Melton, Mike Zitter, Mr. Scar Lectures, RobH, Sander Tiemeijer, Tom Edward Idland, Yokes

Raiders-in-Training: A.R. Jackson, Blake Candin, DentonEX, Henrik Reimer, hob0tron, Michael Bohmert, Naum Osenarov, Olav Hope, Purge, Sebastian Wagner, Victor Anuck Songs, vucrulez, Zaki

Wasteland 3,InXile,Brian Fargo,Microsoft,Retcon Raider,RPG,cRPG,Computer Game,Role-Playing Game,Beta,Video Game,CharGen,Character Generation,Character Creation,Analysis,Strategy Game,PC,XB1,XBox 1,XBox One,Fig,Crowdfunded,Commentary,

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