
Where to Start When Growing Your Hair Out - Men’s Hair Q&A

Where to Start When Growing Your Hair Out - Men’s Hair Q&A Hey guys and welcome back another men's hair Q&A. As per usual I put a post out on the community feed of my channel and in the Facebook group asking you guys to submit some of your best hair growth questions and here’s what we got.

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Here’s today’s featured questions. Feel free to click the time stamps below to skip straight to the questions you want to know the answers to. Enjoy!

fokus FORCE Says - 2:12
So I’m growing my hair in a lowered top knot, and i always shave the sides and the back that I'm not growing out. Currently my hair on the top are 10cm long and hair on the sides and back are 1-3 cm long. So my question is how to style them and what to do when we have PE at school or when i go to the gym because when i sweat my hair becomes very weird and i look stupid and i can't tie my hair yet.

1. Sweat band or bandana to decrease movement and not screw your hair up too badly.
2. A cap or visor.

Trevor Thole - 3:46
How do you suggest getting volume into pin straight hair? I’ve tried dry shampoo and blow drying my hair but it’s always falling flat. Thanks!!

Answer: Back combing your sections on the underside.

Adam Suhail - 6:52
Does any ethnic group have better growth compared to other ethnic groups?

Answer: Not that I’m aware of no.

Kiwi master piece - 7:40
By wearing a hat, can it straighten your hair naturally?

Answer: Interesting question, short answer, no it will flatten it but slight movement will take it back to normal. A straightener is your best option for that.

Eric Odom - 8:58
How come my hair grows crazy fast in the summer but slows down a little bit in the winter time?

Answer: The short answer to this is blood circulation. Warmer weather encourages blood flow in all parts of the body and hair growth is dependent on the amount of blood flow you are getting to your scalp. So if you want faster growing hair all year round, follow the summer. I’ve also read that warmer weather boosts the supply nutrients our body needs to make keratin which is what hair is made from anyway, so more keratin making nutrients plus more flow is going to equal more hair haha.

Eduard Popovskis - 10:38
What's your opinion on SLS and SLES, silicone, paraben free shampoos?

Answer: These all have their place. SLS & SLES shampoos are good for stripping every now and then but not all the time, they are for basting away dirt and are notorious for skin irritation. If you know you have sensitive skin, stay away from them.

Silicones have benefits but using a water soluble one is best: cyclomethicone

Parabens are actually preservatives that prevent bacteria and fungus from growing in products but scientists apparently are starting to question their safety.Parabens have also been linked to skin conditions like dermatitis and rosacea and they are also known to exacerbate already irritated skin. So it’s kinda like sulfates create the initial wound and then parabens throw salt in it for you.

Jamie Stockwell - 14:46
Did growing out from a top knot/undercut with a bun make the process easier?

Answer: in my case yes. It felt like I was at least start on ground 3 instead of ground zero. So for the first 3 months of the journey I felt more comfortable than I would have if I started from zero.

Jason Baired - 16:18
I'm 4 months in growing out but have noticed split ends. Should I wait until my hair is a lot longer before getting a trim or do this now. As I want to see length, it's hard for me to cut my hair shorter again but don’t know what to do for the best.

Answer: If you see a split end, get rid of it ASAP.

Samuel Eccarius - 17:28
How to deal with people telling me to cut my hair?

Answer: Rude finger

Michael Scofield - 18:24
What according to you is the average length of hair on the top and sides required for a man bun?

Answer: Roundabout 10” to be safe. Aarons hair is 10 inches and he can only just make his bun Comfortably.

Leonardo Javier - 19:05
What can we do if we have problems with our hairlines (middle hairline on top too)?

Answer: Depending on the problem, hair implants can help fix your hairline.

Yours in good hair,

Thomas In Action

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