
Create Together #WithMe with Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Official Trailer)

Create Together #WithMe with Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Official Trailer) Create Together #WithMe is a new series about making art and community out of uncertain times— and we’re inviting you to take part.
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Streaming free, weekly on Mondays starting May 18th

Hey everyone, it's Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Like many of you, I’ve been home for about a month now (and I’m lucky that I get to stay home, since many people can’t). At this dark moment when many of us are feeling so isolated, it’s been incredible to witness the HITRECORD community coming together through creative collaboration.

I thought, “This should be a show.” So I pitched it to YouTube... and it’s happening. Create Together #WithMe will tell stories of people all over the world staying connected during this pandemic by making art together. And I want you to be part of it.

If you like to write, act, make movies, make music— however you like to express yourself, come jump in.

Joseph gordon-levitt,art,project,performance,collaboration,community,self care,

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