
Hosta 'Diamond Lake' - A SUPERB, Large growing Hosta with a TOTALLY IMPRESSIVE presence

Hosta 'Diamond Lake' - A SUPERB, Large growing Hosta with a TOTALLY IMPRESSIVE presence Grown by Overdevest for Proven Winners®, this member of the Shadowland® collection is TOTALLY AWESOME with BIG, BOLD puckered silvery-blue leaves that put on an impressive display throughout the whole growing season (from spring until the frosts of late autumn). These attractive, heart-shaped, leaves are enormous and can be as big as 9" wide by almost 1 foot long, and because the silvery color is enhanced in shady conditions, it is a wonderful way to "light up" add valuable color to your shade garden.
Makes a wonderful contrast with ferns, hellebores, and other hostas, and is very useful for disguising the yellowing foliage of spring bulbs. Listen in as David explains how we grow several of our Hostas in different sizes - so you can chose the size that suits your needs best.


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