Music Track by Jacob Shenberger.
This is what happens when you have more time at home to be creative or goof off!
There have been many positive things that have happened because of these crazy times, wouldn't you agree?
Stay safe out there! God Bless!
I know when to go out
Know when to stay in
Get things done
We gotta shelter in place
And things will have to change
Protect the human race
No coughing in my face
Gotta try. Please try.
There's no sign of life
Gotta social distance my wife
Still love you from this far
But I gotta wave bye bye
6 feet wide.
That’s 3 strides
Can’t forget that
God is love- helps me through this
God is love. He won’t walk by
God is love. Get to watch the church online.
Church online. Still connected.
Church online. Won’t get infected.
Church online. trusting that this all will end.
All will end- in Gods timing
All will end- keep on smiling
All will end-
i can’t wait to see my friends.
It’s not really work
It’s just the power to try
I’m staying in my home
No need to go outside
I don’t cry
Got wifi
Now we’re living in these
Modern times- got restrictions
Modern times- tv addiction.
Modern times. Stay at home and teach online
Teach online-get to sleep in
Teach online. So convenient
Teach online. Wonder when this all will end.
All will end. In God’s timing.
All will end. Keep on smiling. All will end. It’s so hard to comprehend
Modern times.
Modern times.
Modern times.
Crazy times.