
👉Small Business Armageddon - The Middle Class is being Eradicated.

👉Small Business Armageddon - The Middle Class is being Eradicated. 👉Small Business Armageddon - The Middle Class is being Eradicated.
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Most small businesses that have applied for COVID relief have yet to see a penny of it while their businesses die on the vine due to the global pandemic.
By the time SBA PPP program wraps up, ONLY the big corporate monopolies will have received small business loans.

At least 90% of all American small businesses will be left high and dry. Their businesses closed, their workforce laid off, their properties foreclosed.

But then, that was the goal from the get-go.
We knew from the beginning that this program is designed by cheaters for the cheaters.
Bailout money doesn't go to the right people. Trillions, soon to be quadrillions, are being given to wall street and the biggest corporations with no strings attached when the real small businesses are not getting any help

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economic collapse,the atlantis report,documentary,recession,2020,stock,market,crash,crisis,financial armageddon,economy,stock market,dollar collapse,economic bubbles,gold,silver,How Do I File For Unemployment,Unemployment Benifits,Will I get Fired,Can I File Unemployment Online,Business Loan,Gold,greed,rich,Middle Class,America,middle class income,middle class tax cut,poor,income inequality,welfare,benifits,small business,SBA,PPP,Stimulus,bailout,free money,Fed,

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