
UK Labour a 'complete disgrace'

UK Labour a 'complete disgrace' Spiked editor Brendan O’Neill says the Labour Party in the UK “is a lost cause and a complete disgrace” and “a lot of people now realise that”.

“We know over the past few years when Jeremy Corbyn was leader it had a serious problem with antisemitism,” Mr O’Neill told Sky News.

“You know, this obsessive hatred of Israel and of Zionism completely out of proportion and driven by a complete double standard – Israel was always judged by different standards to every other nation on earth,” he said.

“Which in itself is an antisemitic outlook.”

Mr Corbyn was replaced as leader after losing the general election late in 2019.

“Now we have a new dawn with a new leader, Keir Starmer, but in truth, he was the author of Labour’s disastrous Brexit policy which was going to demand a second referendum,” Mr O’Neill said.

“So now we have the party run by a supposed centrist who’s actually a remainer and he’s still surrounded by Corbyn-isters who have questionable views on lots of issues.”

Image: Getty


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