
Verses which can bring us close to Allah no doubt Quran shows us right path to Jannah

Verses which can bring us close to Allah no doubt Quran shows us right path to Jannah And be not ye as those who forgot Allah, therefor He caused them to forget their souls. Such are the evil-doers.﴾19﴿ Not equal are the owners of the Fire and the owners of the Garden. The owners of the Garden, they are the victorious.

I made this channel for Sadka Jaria and there is no concern about money if incase i am getting some money i will donate it to the poor people. Insha Allah.

Please keep us in your prayer and help to the poor. Dunia is only for examination and it up to our good deeds which bring close to Allah And Muhammad PBUH.

Please make Salah five times a day and do Tauba everyday and forgive to the people before you go to sleep.

May Allah bless us Jannat once we died.


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