
Do You Know What Panic Attack Feels Like?

Do You Know What Panic Attack Feels Like? Have you ever asked what Panic attack feels like?
Panic or anxiety attack feels different for everyone, for some, it feels like you're dying, you can't breathe, chest pain it goes from zero to 100% in a second, your brain goes into autoresponse. You can't wait for it to stop, it seems like it'll last forever but it will eventually stop. These are just a few common symptoms, Watch this Pannic attack story of courage.

Check on your loved ones struggling Mental illness
show support and compassion because we all need it!

You might say I don’t know how to help, what to do, or even what to say.

Please DO NOT avoid or isolate them because they need you!
You can show support and love them from afar if you have to.

Send a thoughtful text message from time to time, even if you didn’t receive a reply ......
Keep checking on them

Ways you can offer support:
Set aside time to engage with the person.
Allow the person to share as much as they want to without judgment
Listen without analyzing or trying to fix anything
Ask them what they need and how you can help
Let them know they are not alone and offer support
Avoid Confrontation.

#notalone #talkandheal

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