
Expanding Distance | Lower Body Swing Power

Expanding Distance | Lower Body Swing Power ***🎥SEE IF THE PIVOT & TURN IS RIGHT FOR YOUR GAME.--CLICK BELOW ✅***


The transition from backswing to downswing is key to power generation and precision. The key is to have the lower body start the downswing.

The lower body moves ahead in the best swings while the upper body still turns around. As the shoulders continue to coil, the left hip turns toward the target. That takes a tremendous amount of timing and practice.

The typical golfer will think more about initiating downswing by turning the left hip and shifting concurrently to the left heel — this is more apparent if in the backswing (as I recommend) you have let the heel fall off the table. Flaring out your left foot a little at your address will help transform your hip.

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Your left shoulder will remain on the plane you established at the address when you start down. Many amateurs begin the downswing too early by turning their shoulders towards the target, triggering the annoying over-the-top move that results in pulls or slices.

One of the best ways to spot professional golfers is to watch the downswing as it reacts to their leg placement. Professionals and serious amateur golfers get their lower bodies going in the downswing ahead of the club. Conversely , high handicapers frequently launch downswing with an upper-body "over-the-top" movement that gives rise to pulled shots.

If you want your lower body to win the race back to the golf ball, your legs and hips need a head start during the downswing transition from the backswing. In fact, many pros start turning their hips back to target before the club climbs to the top of their backswing positioning.

Start your downswing from there by replanting your heel, shifting your weight forward and turning your left hip towards the target before your upper body starts moving.


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