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Our mission is to provide educational content about Western Civilization and the uniqueness of the Western empirical search for truth. This is founded on the observation that truthfulness allows for the fastest and most effective strategy for adapting to evolutionary pressures, and provides disproportionate returns on cooperation leading to prosperity, wealth, and advancement. With a strategy of "Truth at All Costs" and also "Truth Before Face", Western Civilization will continue to be victorious in the battle against poverty, ignorance, superstition, starvation, disease, filth, hard labor, infant mortality, early death, natural catastrophes, and the vicissitudes of nature hostile to life.
In Truth, we will be Victorious!
Please note: I discuss history, science, and group trends. These should not be confused with advocacy or recommendation of a particular action. I do not endorse unsanctioned violence; I call for a peaceful restoration of Western culture, and reciprocal cooperation among all the diverse groups of human beings on the planet.
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