
Manifest Love FAST by doing this one thing differently

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Think about it like a radio frequency that is tuned to the channel of love. Now, the sooner you can tune your inner vibration or inner energy to that frequency of love, the sooner you are going to perceive of that reality on the outside and in this video I'm going to show you how to do that fast. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now when we're talking about manifesting love and understanding that we are at our essence, that is the energy that we are naturally and it's important to understand that because when we think that we have this necessity that we have to have someone else in our life in order for us to feel love, then we prolonged that emotional feeling and when we prolonged, that feeling will then go out into the world with the intention attracting love, but we'll find it hard to find because we're not in that actual frequency ourselves.

We can only perceive that which we are, the vibration of that which we are the energy of and whiff. We're feeling a lack of love. Then what it's going to happen is we're going to go out into the world projecting out an energy that says, I don't feel love. I feel a lack of love because when we want something, we vibrationally are saying we don't have it energetically.

We're saying that and when we switched that energy around and we instead feel it on the insight first, that's when we're going to perceive of it in our reality and for that there's one quick thing that I've learned that makes all the difference in the world and to do that, let's go ahead and look at our handy dandy notebook in there. All right. Now to show this idea, I thought I would come in here and show you my handy dandy notebook and on it at the top you'll see rules of love.

Now. I'll tell you first off right now as well. Any time I've intended to attract love into my life, the more I really, really wanted it, the more I would be thinking about this other person, the more I would be sending that person resistant energy because in my mind and in my own head about it thinking, Oh, I wish they were in my life.

That caused a lot of resistance. The game changed for me when I let go and understood that I'm good. Either way, whether I have someone in my life that's reflecting back that love or whether I fill up my own cup, the most important thing is how do I feel about myself? Now, the reason behind this is because many of us have rules that say, when someone else is in my life, then I can be happy.

That's also something that came from Disney movies. We go, we see snow white and the seven doors and she's got seven Doris that her, but no, she's got to have the love of some Prince. You see what I mean? Can she have it all? Because the rule in her own mind was, no, I can't have these seven doors. I need this one Prince.

Think about how ridiculous that is, how high standards, snow white hat and how that primed all of us to believe that we need that special someone that if we just had them, then we could finally feel whole and complete. You see, it becomes this never ending cycle and we've been conditioned to believe that's what we need to be happy and we look into that into the world and that's what we assume and understand that this is honestly one of the most powerful parts about attracting love that we must understand.

What is your story about love? What is the story about how you attract love into your life? What is the story about how you feel self love for yourself. If you're highly critical of yourself, you'll find it harder to love yourself. The more rules we have about what it takes to love ourselves, the harder it is to love ourselves and we're like, Oh well I have to be perfect.

I have to have the perfect job. I have to do this every day and this, this, this and this and then I can love myself. You're prolonging that emotion and remember, think of this like 500 FM. If that's a radio station, 500 FM is love. You want to tune to love. How quickly can you feel love within yourself?

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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