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Follow Vaudeville Smash:
Zidane 1: Mohamed Reda M-Ten
Zidane 2: Karl Faraj
Zidane 3:Daniel Thomas
Zidane 4: Steven Everett & Dan Murphy
Store Clerk: Marc Lucchesi
Security Guard: Dan Lucchesi
Party Customers: Luca Lucchesi, Donna Sayer, Angus Leslie, Sam McMillan
Director/Producer/Editor - Sarah-Jane Woulahan
DOP - Matt Wood
Production Designer - Josie Wagstaff
1st AD - Sam Hoffman
Movi Operator - Brett Harrison
1st Camera Asst - Kaitlin Tinker
Production Manager - Ashlea Ritchie
Production Asst: Zoe Lensky
Art Asst - Tyler Chalker
Stills - Dan Murphy
Colourist - Kali Bateman
Thanks to Dianne at the 7-Days Convenience Store Coburg.
Music video by Vaudeville Smash feat. Les Murray performing Zinedine Zidane. (C) 2014 Vaudeville Smash
#VaudevilleSmash #ZinedineZidane #Vevo