The only way out of depression and the things leading to it are briefly described and it also shares the secrets of being successful even after huge disappointments and failures.
It's not just a video it's a LIVE EXPERIENCE of an educated Individual who was born in a Muslim SYED Family (paternal side) and Royal Moghal family from maternal side in India in the city - Hyderabad with fabulous upbringing in saudi Arabia and after pursuing high level education and mid career level at business and work at international extent at a very young age, engages in simple Love and gets destroyed with everything as he was badly deceived by his love and left behind with no hopes of life, no other dreams and nothing except death surrounded him but with the influence of some great people around him i.e his supporting family specially his grand mother, Princess Zartaj Begum w/o Late. Nawab Arif Uddin Tucy Sahab and great daughter in law of great grand moghal emperor BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR and Dr. Maryam unnissa, A great student of Islam, resident of makkah al mukarramah saudi Arabia, Nawab Mouzam Sahab s/o Nawab Anwar Sahab (descendants of Royal Moghal family of Hindustan),
NAWAB SHAHNOOR UDDIN TUCY SAHAB s/o. LATE. NAWAB ZIYA UDDIN TUCY SAHAB ( Great leader of the ROYAL MOGHAL FAMILY OF HINDUSTAN), NAWAB SHAJI UDDIN TUCY SAHAB (Great Islamic researcher and Present head of the family and President of ROYAL MOGHAL FAMILY OF HINDUSTAN), SHEHZADI AMREEN MOGHAL and some special people on earth motivated the victim till he achieves a new hope of Living as an optimist and exploring as well enhancing the beautiful knowledge of Islam and the things in the beautiful world. This motivation not only just changed his life in a short span but also made him a writer, novelist and motivational speaker amongst his young companions.
This video shares the true beliefs of a MUSLIM having complete faith in Allah and also shares the fact of living a happy and thankful life for what we have got from Almighty Alhumdulilah.
Kindly watch this and share this to the one you find on need may it becomes a source for him to quit depression and start a happy, joyful, religious and faithful LIFE ahead.
Jazak Allahu khairan
Syed Mustafa Ali Tucy Al Taimoori (B.Tech, Civil)
#Nodepression #nostess #Happylife #PeacefulLife