
Class #5: Embody, Empower, Burlesque. with Gaea Lady

Class #5: Embody, Empower, Burlesque.  with Gaea Lady Livestream Burlesque Class Tuesdays 6:30p-7:30p CST with Gaea Lady on

In today's class, we finish our Choreography to the powerful song of "They Say I'm Different" by Betty Davis.

How do we embody our intentions? This is core to burlesque. When we embody what we feel & envision we can manifest it in reality. Let's get a lil witchy.

We look at how we embody our intentions, consider once again what we stand for, and move it through our bodies with power. We'll warm up, strengthen our cores, thighs, & booty, and feel our personal power growing as we connect to the erotic within us all.

"what do you stand for?"

Class Schedule:
Tues 630pm cdt - embody, empower, burlesque. (Pussy Magic Tier)
Tues 8-9pm cdt bellydance + reset your spine & nervous system. (Magic Number Eleven)
Sat 12-1pm cdt Dance Activation (Free)

(Scroll down to the posts and click on the video)

These classes will be my offering to help all of us get out of our stress responses and into our bodies, breathing and resetting so we may continue on making a difference with this movement and our lives and for our loved ones. Movement is medicine.

I stand with all the the change that is happening for justice. I do this not to detract from POC voices, but to help those who may not have any spoons left to regenerate or digest what is happening. The more we take care of ourselves the stronger we can be together against the oppressive forces of hate and violence.

If any POC have requests on what they want to receive, I am all ears and you have the priority.

black lives matter.

Empower, Embody, Burlesque.

Empower yourself.
Explore your tools in lens, movement, and perspective.
Move into a deep sense of knowing WHO you are, WHAT you stand for, and WHY it matters.
Embody your intentions & ideals - don’t just believe, live it with your whole being.
Blaze in this empowered, embodied place to inspire both yourself and others.

Through the powerful lens of burlesque, I guide you into a deeper knowing of yourself. We use physical movement to move through all that we feel in the mental space, turning and pivoting to change our viewpoints and actions.

Learn to love yourself MORE. This is acceptance of the “faults” you find within yourself, and loving those. Yes, this is love for the other. This is loving your enemy, wishing them well, and learning to align with your truth so you may embody it fully. And from this space, truly love all beings here on this planet & continue our life’s work into these spaces.

Step into your personal power to enact change from within.

Embody, Empower, Burlesque.
Tuesdays in June 630-730p cdt
$22 / month / 4 classes

This class will build over the month in weekly increments, revisiting pieces from previous weeks (and month's) classes. Tune in every week at 630cst for the livestream or watch the videos on your own time as they are archived for Patreon Members.

post a video of yourself doing the choreo and i'll repost if you tag me @gaea_lady! or you can send to me privately and I won't repost :)


Shine bright, and love yourself above all.


"Pandemic Pussy Magic Pleasures" 22 tier + above accesses Burlesque & Bellydance
"Magic Number Eleven" 11 tier + above accesses Bellydance Basics 8-9pm cst

Gaea Lady
Dancer of fire, hoops, veils, & light.

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