
The Selling with confidence challenge and LinkedIn Sales Navigator review.

The Selling with confidence challenge and LinkedIn Sales Navigator review. Today, October 1st 2020, we have finished the Sales Challenge, and I say we because I also took the path of together with my boot campers. I think it is important to do that, so I can understand the difficulties the people I am trying to help may be facing and also believe it can only benefit me to keep me on my toes.

It was an amazing journey of laughter and learnings, and we will be repeating it in January, so put in your calendars.

Before giving you my review on the Sales Navigator, I have to ask you to be critical and strategic with your social media. I know someone of you may have watched The Social Dilemma and that may be giving you social media second thoughts.

1. Be wary of documentaries that only show one side of the story, the one producers think will connect with most people, bring them more money and fame.
2. You probably don't need social media for personal use but, as a professional tool, nothing else will potentially give you so much for nearly nothing.

On the Linkedin Sales Navigator, here are the positive side:

1. The searching tool is powerful. You can look for companies or leads in particular position, in a certain geographical area and level of education. You can add how long that lead was in the company, the company headcount, groups they are member of, posted key words.
2. Then you can save your search parameters and leads which will make getting back to where you were few days later easy.
3. When you save your search results you will later receive alerts, when new companies within those parameters join LinkedIn or when your lead publishes something or change position.

The Inmail was not a big hit for me, because my leads, as yours also would, are still learning to use social media platforms and may seen an Inmail as an aggressive action. Just think how many friendly Inmails have you received? Me, none. They were all hard core sales messages.

If you decide to use the Sales Navigator, remember we are all still learning to use social media, so don't do something you wouldn't like to experience yourself. My recommend:

1. Have a strategy to build relationships - connect and create context before you ask your lead something. The Sales Navigator is a social selling tool, thus the importance of being social as you would in an offline environment.
2. Use it on a daily basis. Make it your goal to do a daily search with different parameters and reach out to at least one person.

If you have questions about the challenge or the LinkedIn Sales Navigator, please feel free to reach out to me by the web or email

Ps. I have three one-to-one sales mentorship spots open.
Ps. II. I am not sponsored in any way by LinkedIn or their Sales Navigator. I am just a normal user and Sales mentor.


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