
Trump Cut Off Aid for CA Wildfire Victims

Trump Cut Off Aid for CA Wildfire Victims Miles Taylor reveals that during a round of devastating wildfires in California, President Trump "told FEMA to cut off the money" because "Californians don't do anything for me." Taylor says, "he told us to stop giving money to people whose houses burned down from a wildfire because he was so rageful that people in the state of California didn't support him and that politically it wasn't a base for him."

Miles Taylor is a former DHS Chief of Staff in the Trump administration and has described the president as "actively doing damage to our security" in a previously released RVAT video.

He supported the president in 2016, but will be voting for Joe Biden in 2020. This is part of an unprecedented campaign where for the first time, a sitting president has had former staff members appear in TV ads endorsing his opponent.

The ad will be released on the Fox affiliate in the battleground state of Arizona and will be promoted digitally nation-wide.

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