
How to Absorb Nutrients: 3 Best & 2 Worst Foods for Nutrient Absorption- Thomas DeLauer

How to Absorb Nutrients: 3 Best & 2 Worst Foods for Nutrient Absorption- Thomas DeLauer Check Out Kettle and Fire Bone Broth Here:

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How to Absorb Nutrients: 3 Best & 2 Worst Foods for Nutrient Absorption- Thomas DeLauer…
Digestive System’s Regulators:
The hormones that control digestion are gastrin, secretin, and cholecystokinin (CCK): Gastrin causes the stomach to produce an acid for dissolving and digesting some foods. Secretin stimulates the stomach to produce pepsin, an enzyme that digests protein, and stimulates the liver to produce bile. CCK causes the pancreas to grow and to produce the enzymes of pancreatic juice, and it causes the gallbladder to empty. Nerve regulators come in two types of that help to control the action of the digestive system: Extrinsic nerves come to the digestive organs from the unconscious part of the brain or from the spinal cord and release acetylcholine and adrenaline. Intrinsic nerves make up a very dense network embedded in the walls of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon (2)

2 Worst Foods - Soak, sprout, or ferment to reduce phytic acid content:
Phytic Acid- Phytates can bind to certain dietary minerals in the gut; including iron, zinc, manganese and, to a lesser extent calcium, and slow their absorption. Phytic acid also inhibits the digestive enzymes amylase, trypsin and pepsin - amylase breaks down starch, while both pepsin and trypsin are needed to break down protein. In simple terms, phytic acid binds to minerals, metals and anything else it can get its hands on to and takes them out of the body with it (2,3)

Lectins- ind with the intestinal lining, specifically the villi of the small intestine and when the villi are damaged by lectins the body is unable to effectively digest and absorb nutrients from the small intestine. This can lead to a leaky gut in which the intestinal lining has open gaps and now lectins and other particles and pathogenic organisms are able to get directly into the bloodstream (5,6)

3 Best Foods:
Coconut Oil-A study from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry compared the effects of coconut oil (a saturated fat) versus safflower oil (a polyunsaturated fat) on the absorption of carotenoids from tomatoes (7)

Prebiotics & Probiotics- Prebiotics and probiotics help good bacteria form in the gut, which improve and enhance digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Bone Broth- Helps heal and seal your gut, and enhances the absorption of nutrients - the gelatin found in bone broth is a hydrophilic colloid, meaning it attracts and holds liquids, including digestive juices, thereby supporting proper digestion (protects and seals the mucosal lining of the GI tract)

Contains glutamine that has protective effects on intestinal mucosa by decreasing bacteremia and epithelial cell apoptosis, enhancing gut barrier function, and influencing gut immune response - glutamine can fight against bad gut flora by protecting against mucosal breakdown in the gut as well


1) The Digestive System & How it Works | NIDDK. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2) Do You Know How Your Digestive System Absorbs Nutrients? (2017, March 8). Retrieved from

3) Are Phytates Bad or Good? - Dr. Weil. (n.d.). Retrieved from

4) Phytic Acid: Defining and Dealing With A Common Antinutrient | Nourishing Days. (n.d.). Retrieved from

5) All about lectins: Here's what you need to know | Precision Nutrition. (n.d.). Retrieved from

6) Why You Should Avoid Lectins in Your Diet! - (n.d.). Retrieved from

7) Conlon LE , et al. (n.d.). Coconut oil enhances tomato carotenoid tissue accumulation compared to safflower oil in the Mongolian gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ). - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from

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