
Prone Instability Test

Prone Instability Test Prone Instability Test

Purpose of Test: The prone instability test is used to help determine if a patient belongs in the TBC Stabilization group based on the clinical prediction rule established by Hicks et al., 2005.

The test works by determining if stabilization via muscle contraction will relieve pain produced during PA spring testing of the lumbar spine. You will introduce this muscle contraction by having the patient lean over the treatment table with their ASIS just at the edge. They will then lift their legs off of the ground to activate the back and hip extensors creating compression at the lumbar spine.

Step 1: 0:39 Demonstrate the movement to the patient prior to initiating the test.

Step 2: 0:56 With the patient leaning over the table with their knees slightly bent and feet on the ground, perform lumbar PA spring testing to locate the painful segment.

Step 3: 1:18 Have the patient lift their feet, and retest the painful segment.

If the patient reports a reduction of symptoms when their feet are elevated, this indicates a positive prone instability test. Because the patient’s symptoms are reduced when the spine is stabilized via muscle contraction, they are more likely to benefit from a stabilization based treatment approach.

Hicks et al. APMR 2005

Lab Skills,prone instability test,prone,instability,test,hicks,pt623,physical therapy,

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