
Tail docking and amputation 1|2

Tail docking and amputation 1|2 This educational video shares my surgical techniques of tail amputation or docking for vets in developing countries that do not ban tail docking in puppies.

Many puppy owners and breeders use rubber bands to strangulate the blood supply of the tail. The tail end becomes gangrenous and drops off after over 7 days. This is painful for the puppy. It is best to get your vet to do it under anaesthesia if the puppy is more than 3 days old. For puppies less than 3 days old, anaesthesia is not traditionally given.

UPDATE IN 2020: Tail docking is banned in Singapore. Toa Payoh Vets do not offer this service.

#tail docking puppies Singapore Toa Payoh Vets,

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