A video aired on Brazilian media shows the exact moment a dam burst in Brazil on 25 January. The dam break at an iron ore mining complex operated by the minerals firm Vale killed at least 65 people. A further 279 are missing. Cars can be seen driving around desperately trying to escape as a dramatic gush of mud approaches. The surge buried buildings adjoining the dam and several parts of the nearby city of Brumadinho Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ►
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Brazil,Brazil dam collapse,TV Globo,Brazil dam collapse caught on camera,Brumadinho,Brazil dam burst,Brazil dam break,brazil dam,brazil dam burst,brazil dam disaster,brazil dam failure,brazil dam burst 2019,brazil dam disaster 2019,brazil dam project,2019,news,the guardian,caught on camera,caught on tape,brazil news,brazil noticias,dam,mining,brazil disaster,brazil collapse,brumadinho dam disaster,brumadinho hoje,brazil dam breach,brasil,dam collapse,