
Last Longer In Bed Upto 3 Hours Subliminal

Last Longer In Bed  Upto 3 Hours Subliminal Don't search for 'how to cure premature ejaculation' rather go through 'how to last 3 hours in bed'.
subliminal is focus on following topics:-
- cure premature ejaculation.
- super confidence during lovemaking
- control over any situation
- deep and relax breathing during lovemaking
- become positive with a partner
- increase testosterone hormone
- reduce the sensitivity
- pelvic floor muscle strength
- strong long lasting erection
- rock solid erection
- strong pc muscle
- increase passion
- master in kegel exercises
- increase stamina
- super libido
- higher love energy
- eliminate psychological anxiety
- remove old negative experience

Without the transfer of pure energy either in solar plexus chakra or toward the spinal cord 3 hours lovemaking is almost impossible. Many medicine companies and also some subliminal channel claims to prevent premature ejaculation but in many cases, it is difficult to get the permanent result. This subliminal helps to shift your pure energy so you will be able to ejaculate at the desired time.
This file contains the
--binaural beats
--masked sound/music/noise.


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