

13 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR CUSTOMER SUPPORT I truly believe You can build a meaningful, healthy business in any industry simply by focusing on the great customer support. It is why I compiled a list of 13 tips / best practices to help you improve your customer support and customer success.

Tips are pretty much universal, so hopefully, you'll be able to use them in any business. I typically pass this list to our new team members, so they are aware of our company’s standards.

1. Don't try to sell.
2. Power of words "Thank you" and "Sorry".
3. Try to build informal relations with customers.
4. Use alternative communication channels such as FB Messenger, Twitter or even Instagram.
5. Talk through benefits. Not buzzwords.
6. Be flexible. Give users time to learn your product.
7. Offer help every step of the way.
8. Smile.
9. Be brief.
10. Don't try to hide your imperfections.
11. Be proud but stay humble.
12. Stay close to customers regardless of your position or company size.
13. Go the extra mile.

Community Tips:

+ Would be great to have a sense of humor and not to treat yourself, or the product/service, so seriously. That helps in loads of situations. (c) Karina Woźniak

About me
Michal Sadowski is a Founder & CEO at Brand24, a social listening tool used by thousands of customers across 86 countries. Mentor at Startup Weekend & Founder Institute. The author of "Social Media Revolution" bestselling book. Awarded with a "Best Co-Founder" prize in The Next Web Startup Awards. Web Summit Conference People's Stage winner.

About Brand24
Brand24 is an award-winning app that helps you track & engage people talking about your company. A publically traded company. Over 2200 active clients from 86 countries. 60+ team members.

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