Hello Everyone,
As you know that Notes Management System Website is under processing for the last 1 year finally, we have completed this website now it is on the server you can Search our website through the given link below. Notes Management System Website provides us 3 features.
1.We can calculate our SGPA using the SGPA calculator.
2.We can download the notes/study material using the download feature.
3.We can upload the notes/study material using the upload feature.
We have created this youtube video for better understanding and you can also follow our social media accounts for updates about notes/study material go through the links given below.
Website link:
Youtube link:
Instagram link:
Facebook link:
Linkedin link:
Mail id: notesmanagementsystem@gmail.com
After visiting all these links if u have seen our efforts please do only one thing SHARE this video to the maximum DEI students so they will also get the benefit of this website.