
OSHO: Does Society Have a Responsibility to Its Disadvantaged People

OSHO: Does Society Have a Responsibility to Its Disadvantaged People Responsibility? — What does it actually mean? Does it mean 'duty' or is it possible that it may mean 'response-ability', the ability to respond to the present moment authentic, immediate? — Why not having a look what Osho has to say about this.

"Love is not a responsibility. Love is not a duty. Love is your joy. So out of your love do whatever you can do, but not out of your Christianity, not out of your ideology, not out of a sense of responsibility. Otherwise you will never be able to forgive your son, and neither your son will be able to forgive you ever. Duty is a four-letter dirty word. Never do anything for the sake of duty, because you are doing it reluctantly. And whomsoever you are doing, you are humiliating." —

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