
015 - The Most Effective Way of Learning C++ Types, auto, auto&, auto&&, decltype, decltype(auto)

015 - The Most Effective Way of Learning C++ Types, auto, auto&, auto&&, decltype, decltype(auto) Rule of Thumbs:
1. Use auto for iterators in the STL algorithms.
2. Use auto& to enumerate elements of STL containers in the ranged-for.
3. Use auto&& as the parameter types of lambdas.

4. Use auto as return type when we return an instance using copy-semantic
or internally move semantic.

For example, we can use auto as return type when we return
an instance of shared_ptr or unique_ptr

5. Use auto& as return type when we return a data member of a class from
a member function.

6. Use auto&& as return type when we return an rvalue reference from an operator function.

7. Use decltype(auto) as return type when Rule 4, 5, 6 are not suitable.

Template Metaprogramming 30 - auto, auto&, auto&&, decltype, decltype(auto)

Template Metaprogramming 31 - Type Decay and Perfect Forwarding

Useful resources


014 - Must-Know Must-Understand Type Function - std::remove_cvref_t

013 - Understanding and Extending C++ Standard Template Library - is_same_v

012 - How to Use Function Pointer, Function Alias with using and typedef

000 - Install Microsoft Visual Studio, GNU g++, clang++, Intel TBB

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lvalue,lvalue reference,rvalue,rvalue reference,auto,auto&,auto&&,decltype,decltype(auto),

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