
Coping Under Quarantine - Lecture 3 - Why Are We Being Burdened?

Coping Under Quarantine - Lecture 3 - Why Are We Being Burdened? In these trying times, we can all use a little guidance. These lectures provide timely tips for coping, surviving, and more importantly, growing from our daily challenges.

Rabbi Shmuel Gluck is recognized for his effective Chinuch advice with both the mainstream, and at risk, population. He effectively breaks down complex family challenges into simple parts and then offers clear, effective, easy to apply, advice.

Rabbi Shmuel Gluck is the director of Areivim; a youth-centered organization committed to the health, growth, and stability of all the members of the Jewish community. Areivim's personal, and all-encompassing approach, nurtures emotional well-being and personal responsibility, guiding young adults into a productive future as healthy individuals, spouses, parents, and community members.

Listeners can request information regarding Areivim’s multiple programs or to subscribe to his weekly articles by requesting them at


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