
Why GPS and Bluetooth are not best suited to contact tracing

Why GPS and Bluetooth are not best suited to contact tracing Across the world, organisations spurred on by Covid-19, are looking at ways to reduce the spread of disease.

Until now solutions have focused on either tracking individuals using GPS or, Bluetooth to Bluetooth connections.

In our opinion neither Bluetooth or GPS are able with a good degree of accuracy and reliability to ascertain if, two devices or the people using them, have been at risk, say within 2 metres of each other.

Even if, either technology could accurately identify contact, neither knows if the two people have been in the same place moments or hours apart!

They will not know about the table you sat at in the café moments after someone has!
They do not know that you used a wash room that someone moments before you did!
The list of surface transfer scenarios is probably endless, and neither Bluetooth or GPS knows anything about them!

Step forward: does not use BlueTooth or GPS to imply contact between individuals or the locations they have visited. Instead QR Codes are used. Doing so avoids the "false positives" and "false negatives" associated with Bluetooth solutions and those based on GPS.

By identifying places with QR codes, for example a train carriage, a washroom or even individual tables in a coffee shop, we can ensure that even after someone has long left a location, if they test positive, those that have followed after them and are at risk, are still notified, something neither Bluetooth or GPS can do.


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