
10 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit!

10 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit! 10 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit!

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10 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit!
If you want to get away from it all, a vacation in some remote island would be the best. The thing is, not
all islands are the tropical paradises that you usually think they are. There are islands that are best
stayed away from, like the islands on our list today. Number one is especially dangerous and setting foot
on there is almost the same as stepping into a nuclear reactor. Stay tuned to find out where it is as we
give you 10 of the most dangerous islands you never want to visit.

Number 10. North Sentinel Island
North Sentinel Island is a small landmass in the Bay of Bengal, India. Its indigenous population, known as
the Sentinelese, rejects any contact with the outside world and remains one of the few peoples that
remain untouched by our civilization. They value their privacy so much that they go to extreme
measures to keep the rest of the world out.
How do they keep outsiders away from their island? They simply shoot arrows in them. For this reason,
it's impossible to approach the island and survive the encounter.
Just how anti-social are the Sentinelese? Well, when researchers were assessing the damage after the
2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, even their helicopters were attacked by the Sentinelese for approaching the
island. None of them were hurt, of course, but this example shows how fiercely the island's population is
protecting their territory.

Number 9. Snake Island
As its name suggests, Snake Island is home to a huge population of snakes. According to some estimates,
there's one snake in each square meter of the island. The problem is, these aren’t just your normal,
garden variety snakes. They just so happen to be one of the most venomous snakes in the world; the
golden lancehead viper.
These vipers' venom is very fatal to humans and is so fast acting that it can finish its job in under an
hour. It’s venom also causes immense pain as it has muscle destroying properties. Numerous local
legends tell of the horrible fates that awaited those who wandered onto the shores of "Snake Island."
Rumor has it a hapless fisherman landed onto the island in search of bananas—only to be discovered
days later in his boat, lying in a pool of blood, with snake bites on his body.
From 1909 to the 1920s, a few people did live on the island in order to run its lighthouse. Nobody lives
there permanently anymore, most likely because of what happened to the last lighthouse keeper and
his entire family, which fell victim to only one of these snakes and didn’t live to tell the tale.

Number 8. Miyake-Jima Island
Miyake-jima is one of Japan’s Izu Islands, an archipelago just south of Tokyo. Here, the land rests atop an
active volcanic chain that has erupted six times in the last century. However, the danger isn’t just from

volcanic eruptions, but from the highest concentrations of poisonous gasses in the world regularly
leaking up through the ground.
In 2000, a mass evacuation was instituted due to extremely high levels of toxic gas in the area after a
series of eruptions from Mount Oyama, the main volcano on the island. All flights into the area were
stopped for over eight years due to the high levels of sulphur as well. Miyakejima residents were finally
permitted to return to their “normal” routines in 2005 though residents are required to carry a gas mask
with them at all times.
Although Miyakejima appears frightening and almost post-apocalyptic, tourists can, in fact, visit the
island. Aside from the dangers of poisonous gas, parts of the island are extremely lush and apparently
the scuba diving is a beautiful experience filled with dolphin sightings. For visitors who believe the
benefits outweigh the danger, gas masks are available upon arrival at many tourist shops on the island.

Number 7. Bikini Atoll
The archipelago of the Bikini Atoll is considered an incredibly dangerous recreation site. It has not
gained this reputation because of the strong undercurrents or dangerous sea-dwellers, it’s because of
one of the most dangerous things man has ever made. In 1946, the United States chose this magical
island as a nuclear test site. For 12 years, hydrogen and atomic bombs were regularly tested on this
The islands were inhabited prior to the testing, but residents were relocated to other islands before the
first bomb was detonated.

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