
Working through change - ePrescription and Medicines Administration (ePMA)

Working through change - ePrescription and Medicines Administration (ePMA) Whether you are a consultant, nurse or pharmacist - change affects us all in the same way. The switch from paper based medical records to an electronic records system is a big change in working practice for all the clinical staff involved. This video examines this process of change and outlines the strategies that staff have employed to deal with it, whilst still delivering top quality care. The benefits and advantages of an electronic prescription and medicines administration system are also investigated.

If you would like to know more about the electronic patient records system please click here;

If you would like to find out more about how we use Information Technology in the Trust please watch our video;

There's a great article about the progress implementing Electronic Patient Records across our trust here;

ePMA,Electronic Patient Records,ePrescription Medicines Administration,Medication Administration Record,Nursing (Field Of Study),Oxford Univeristy Hospitals NHS Trust,

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