Spotify: smarturl.it/TOverSpotify
Apple Music: smarturl.it/ToverAppleMusic
iTunes: smarturl.it/4jxpjs
Directed by Mark James.
Director of Photography Ryan Owen Eddleston.
Produced by Mark James and Ryan Owen Eddleston.
Edited by Ryan Owen Eddleston.
Girl, Emily Barber.
Cab driver and kebab, Gavin Johnson.
Make up, Laura Waters.
Greco-Roman: We Make Colourful Music Because We Dance In The Dark
Left of centre popular music with one foot on the dance floor, from Joe Goddard, Roosevelt, Tirzah, Lxury, Disclosure, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, JeanGa and George, Baio, Hackman and more.
Speakeasy parties and DJ squads in London, Berlin, various beaches and muddy fields.
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