Let me be of service to you!
Travelling the world and collecting knowledge of different modalities that can heal the body, stabilize the emotions and raise personal intellect, I am ready to help others to evolve, progress towards better life.
You can improve your physical body by means of exercises, breathing techniques including breath retention.
Your emotions can be gently alternated from low ones (fear, anger, anxiety) to higher ones – hope, joy, love, peace and bliss.
Headaches, insomnia, back aches, neck problems, and weight problems – all can be reduced and gradually healed completely.
Only few sessions over Skype, Facebook or other platforms will be helpful to design a specific routine to resolve your specific problems.
Please email me when you are ready to reserve a session ($27 per hour) : EternalAcademy@protonmail.com
Thank you for your support and donations: www.paypal.me/TuneUpYoga